Saturday, August 29, 2015

test sailing the new camera

Trying out the new camera on a beautiful August day with unseasonable dry, cool air and an east wind (I'm thanking El Nino for that).  As of Thursday evening the forecast was for clouding with five mph of wind here or seven mph wind in Elizabeth City and I was going to make the drive just for the two extra mph of wind.  By  Friday evening the forecast had picked up to 10 to 12 mph with clear skies, so I sailed on the Elizabeth River.

My friend Ryan's Hans Christian "Mistral" was anchored out in Craford Bay, as it has been all week.  That was Ryan and his wife rowing in from their anchorage in an earlier post this week. 

Just a wonderfully pleasant day with steady breezes and the occasional strong puff.

Very happy with the camera at this point, though I do see why some reviews mention the camera does not have a good "grip."  I can work with it, just takes a little getting used to.

The waterfront shot with the easy panorama setting, and it really was easy.

My friends on the American Rover were photographing me as I photographed them, we'll have to swap images sometime.  I like the shadow detail with the camera, plus the color balance.

The lanyard worked out well, sometimes hooked to a bungee and sometimes to the eye bolt that hold the boomkin in place.  If this one goes overboard it will take some work and I'll deserve all the blame.

And there is Ryan's Hans Christian sailing off anchor and headed to the marina on Little Creek.  What a nice day on the water.  

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