"When I think of all the fools I've been, it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Saturday, December 20, 2014

organic, farm raised - a boat for free - cuba

Give me six hours of brining and three hours of smoking
 and we'll have a nice little Christmas treat for the neighbors.


I've been told that the Schooner Virginia, which is shutting
down, has a roughly 16' Grand Banks dory that they are 
willing to give away.  OK condition, needs some work.
No trailer and it is FOB the Great Bridge area of Chesapeake.  


Recent political news has reminded me of my brief time in
Cuba a few years ago.  You can read about that here and here.
I have always wanted to visit the country.  It is more likely now
that I could go, and would like to do so before 
the dollars begin to change everything.

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