"When I think of all the fools I've been, it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Monday, August 20, 2012

that time of year....

Weatherunderground reminds me that it is time to start watching for tropical storms.  It has been a quiet August for the mid-Atlantic area, but that might be changing with the appearance of 94L.  Above is a map from Tropicaltidbits, a site I just came across.  And below are a variety of computer runs from weatherunderground.  The thinking right now is that this might be a Florida storm.  When was the last time we had a hurricane and a national political convention in the same place?  It could be interesting.

This time last year we started watching Hurricane Irene and that turned out of be a mess for Hatteras Island, the folks on the western shore of Pamlico Sound and states from the Mid-Atlantic to New England.  I would not mind taking this year off from the storms.

We are also a little more than four weeks out from the fall trip over the top of the Delmarva peninsula so I've got to start checking gear and food supplies.  Tonight I will order l.e.d. navigation lights from Duckworks.  I have not needed navigation lights on Spartina in the past, but with all the commerical traffic on the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, plus Delaware Bay, I think it would be a good idea to have them on board.  We are generally anchored a couple of hours before dark, but you never know.

I've been buying food a little bit at a time and need to do a little survey of what I've picked up at the store.  And I need to check on batteries, propane, spark plugs and oil.  



Shawn Stanley said...

" The thinking right now is that this might be a Florida storm. When was the last time we had a hurricane and a national political convention in the same place? It could be interesting."

One could only hope, Steve..but, in reality...after the pounding we took here in Southern Maryland, a crushed truck, local flooding, light house damage & 6 large poplar trees that came down in my yard from Irene (of which there are a few large stumps I still must navigate around with the mower), I do not wish that type of disaster on anyone!

Steve said...

I agree, I do not wish a hurricane on anybody. The weather channel gives the impression that it is here, then gone. In reality a hurricane can lead to weeks and months of coping in one form or another. And I say that having experienced more than a couple of storms.
But the decisions that will be made over the next five days, balancing public safety and political issues, will be interesting.