"When I think of all the fools I've been, it's a wonder that I've sailed this many miles." -Guy Clark

Friday, March 21, 2014


Our work-related trip to Wanchese turned out, as far as work is concerned, to be a bust.  But that's ok - waiting on the docks of a nice harbor on the first sunny day in a long time can be a pleasant experience.

The sun was glaringly hot, the water calm and almost no wind.  The first day of spring and lots of work was being done on the boats, both commercial and sport fishing.  Two men in a skiff motored up to a fish house and off-loaded ten bags full of wild caught oysters.  A deadrise pulled up to another fish house across the harbor, trailed by a flock of pelicans, to drop off their day's catch. 

Lunch at O'Neal's SeaHarvest was excellent, I had the fried oysters and my traveling partner had steamed.  A dock not too far away would be perfect for Spartina. 


JimB said...

Better yet, anchor in the cove between the bridge to Ice Plant Island and the Elizabeth II in Manteo.

Steve said...


how about doing both? A nice lunch in Wanchese, trout fishing on Broad Creek, then an easy sail up the channel the next day to Manteo??

thanks for the info.


JimB said...

Even better!