Friday, July 23, 2010


Is this the house you are talking about Ken? I think that sat out there for a long time. The other item that ended up out there but was never found was a classic old dead rise waterman's boat that had been on display near the community center in Hatteras Village.

This is back in Buxton the morning of the storm with the ocean coming over the dunes across the island and into Pamlico Sound.

It always suprises me how many people stay down there for the storms. But I've got to admit that at times it can be a pretty spectacular show. Some people stay because they want to, others stay because they have no other place to go.

The worst part of the storm, when it was too dangerous to walk outside because of wood, metal, plastic - whatever - flying about in the wind, lasted just a few hours. Then we went outside to see what had happened to Buxton.

And there is a dolphin swimming through the newly formed inlet with "Little Hatteras" in the background. The weather the next day was beautiful.

Anybody interested in Hurricane Isabel and the Outer Banks might want to read Hatteras Blues by Tom Carlson. I've mentioned this book before. Is it a great book? In my opinion, no. But I think it is a good book and if you are a fan of Hatteras Island and people who make their living off the ocean then it is well worth reading. I read it and enjoyed it, and I do find myself picking it up now and then to reread a passage here or there.



Ken said...

I believe that's the house.
Another reason to not evacuate came from a woman I heard on the radio a while back. She had gone to Raleigh to get away from Fran (Oops!) and she'd tried to shelter from Floyd in Rocky Mount (What kind of luck is that?). Even with the great forecasts we get these days, it's still not a sure thing.

Steve said...

Yes, I had a friend with a son that lived on the coast in Miami, went inland during Andrew to a how that was soon destroyed by Andrew. His own house on the coast did fine. steve